Marigold Brown

Celebrate Indigenous Culture

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Fit the poles into the tipi one by one and learn the traditional teachings encompassed by each one.

A meditative colouring version of My Tipi. Each page is single-sided for easy display

Smudge with Charlie!
He explains what he does and why he does it!

What happens when the people trusted to protect Turtle Island fall asleep? Trouble.
This is the story of how they fixed it!

About Marigold Brown

Marigold Brown believes that healthy children come from healthy homes, and that healthy homes come from strong cultures.

She focuses her time collecting and creating expressions of her own stolen aboriginal heritage. If the culture does not become more accessible, it will be lost.

Marigold would like to create a catalogue of resources for those individuals who don’t have access to an Elder. She wants to bridge the gap that currently exists between people who identify with their aboriginal heritage and people who are allowed inside it.

Join Marigold Brown and share cultural stories and events with your children. Together you can explore what goes on inside someone else’s home and learn about how we are all a little bit the same and a little bit different.